Sweetwater is excited to celebrate our annual MAVUNO Festival with an outstanding solo exhibition by the Columbus, OH artist Don ‘DonCee’ Coulter. When you think of the composition of a piece of art, you may expect it to be made with paint or out of clay. You do not expect it to be comprised of scraps of leather, suede and denim. However, that is exactly what you would see when viewing a piece from artist Don ‘DonCee’ Coulter. The brilliance behind the work is that DonCee creates his paintings by using everyday items not traditionally associated with ‘painting.’ Using items such as denim jeans, leather jackets, and aluminum pans, Don ‘DonCee’ Coulter manipulates common materials to create lush landscapes and to capture the environment of the Jazz movement. DonCee’s environmentally friendly pieces illustrate creative reuse of materials while also touching on past cultural movements.
Painting with Fabrics
September 22, 2017 – November 4, 2017